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Initial Consultation for Fertility

A consultation for women that are trying to conceive either naturally or for those undergoing IVF. As a specialist in Fertility dietetics Rachel focusses on helping women improve their nutrition so that they can increase their chances of conceiving. Rachel can assist with ovulation optimisation for women with Hypothalamic Amenorrhoea or PCOS, prenatal supplement regime advice, support for women with recurrent implantation failure and embryo transfer preparations, infertility and low AMH. At the end of your Fertility Consultation, you will have the tools you need to get started on improving your fertility and your chances of conception.

Fertility Enhancement Program

This program is for anyone starting on their journey to have a baby. It is for women undertaking IVF or trying to conceive naturally. As a specialist in fertility dietetics Rachel will use the latest evidence to optimise your diet to give you the best chances of conceiving.

There’s soooo much information out there and Rachel will help to clarify what it is you should be eating and the best supplements to be taking to help increase the odds of falling pregnant.

As a dietitian Rachel knows how to work with women with various conditions including thyroid disorders, PCOS, endometriosis, anovulation and diabetes.

The program runs for ~8 weeks and includes:

Initial consultation for new mums

An initial consultation for women that are post-partum and require assistance with weight changes, breastfeeding and low milk supply or other nutritional deficiencies. Postnatal depletion is very common for new mothers and I am here to help you feel your best!

You will leave this appointment with a clear plan of how to move forward to suit your nutritional needs.

New Mums Wellness Package

One initial face to face or online consultation with an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and two follow-up online consultations. 

Includes the following:

Perimenopause and Menopausal Consultation

This session has been specifically designed to help those women who are having hormonal fluctuations due to perimenopause. I will work through options with you to help you minimise your symptomology and I will get your nutrition plan on track so that you can decrease the effects of hot flashes, sleep disruption, weight gain and mood swings. In this session we will come up with a clear plan to help you improve your nutrition so that you can continue to get on with daily living!

Initial Consultation for Pregnancy

An initial consultation for women that are pregnant and require assistance with gestational diabetes management, hyperemesis gravidarum or other nutritional deficiencies. Being pregnant can be exhausting at times! In this consultation, we will come up with management strategies to help you feel better and nourish your body. I want to make sure that you’re getting the nutrition you and your baby need.

As a Certified Pregnancy Dietitian and mother of two Rachel really understands the challenges associated with eating well during pregnancy and how to manage ongoing nausea.

Includes the following: