If you’re breastfeeding, you’re likely aware that your nutrient requirements are elevated to help you recover and to provide additional energy for you and your growing bubba through the day and night!
Here are some key nutrients and foods we recommend you keep an eye on during breastfeeding.
This is a key mineral for you to be aware of post-birth and during breastfeeding due to losses that occur during pregnancy as well as birth. Your baby also has high iron requirements post-birth to assist with growth.
Iron-rich foods to include in your diet: Meat, chicken, fish, lentils and tofu, eggs, chickpeas, baked beans and dried apricots.
There’s been a lot of hype around Omega-3s in the media recently and for good reason! Omega-3 is crucial for the development of your baby’s brain, eyes, and nervous system and it’s also beneficial for your joint, heart and mental health. Studies have shown that women who consume adequate levels of Omega-3s suffer less post-natal depression and their babies are also smarter with improved motor and cognitive thinking skills.
Foods rich in Omega -3 include: Oily fish such as salmon and sardined, red meat, nuts, seeds and eggs.
This is a key nutrient to ensure your baby’s growing skeleton and teeth are strong. If your intake is sub-optimal your body will use the calcium in your bones to ensure your breastmilk is not compromised – increasing your risk of osteoporosis in later life!
Foods rich in Calcium include Cows Milk, Cheese, Fortified Soy/Almond/Oat milks and figs
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a key nutrient required for normal blood and brain function. For individuals that include animal products in their diet requirements can be easily met. However, Vegans and vegetarian mothers may need to supplement their intake in order to obtain adequate amounts. Without adequate B12 in your diet, you and your baby may be at risk of developing megaloblastic anaemia which can cause fatigue, shortness of breath and stunted growth.
You and your baby need sufficient iodine to ensure the thyroid gland is functioning well. The thyroid gland is an important organ which helps to control your metabolism and regulate your temperature and it is involved in growth and development.
Food sources of iodine include iodised salt, dairy products, seafood and eggs.
If you’re a breast feeding mumma call us today to make an appointment!